Why beautification matters
Beautification involves the aesthetic and functional upkeep of public spaces. it involves using plantings, objects, and labor to enhance natural appeal and operation.
Beautification matters because the physical beauty and quality of amenities in town are a reflection of a community's pride and commitment to mutual benefit. The appearance of a community's environment is an good indicator of a community's health. Signs of neglect such as visible trash, overgrowth and disrepair communicate a lack of interest in your community and an unwillingness to accept responsibility for sharing in the mutual support that comes with membership. Signs of care and attention such as well-maintained yards, trees, houses and sidewalks show your commitment to participating in your community.
Beautification's impact
From a business perspective, a clean, well-maintained environment speaks of community activity and stability. These are qualities that attract new business investment to Greenville. Businesses look for places that show signs of growth, activity and a safe opportunity to make money. Greenville needs to improve its competitive position in the local area to attract and retain more business.
From a residential perspective, a clean, well-maintained community increases opportunities. It attracts the new residents to the area, increasing property values. It also brings in new businesses with local jobs and a greater range of local services. Greenville needs to increase its economic opportunities for residents and enrich its service offerings.
It doesn't take much
Look for simple opportunities to start on your own property. Clean up your yard, plant a garden. If you see trash or a problem in a public space, pick it up or report it to the town. Do your part to invest and participate in the upkeep of Greenville. Beautification doesn't have to take a lot of effort to be effective. And if you need help, don't be afraid to ask your neighbor or friends.
Support the GBC by donating time or money
The GBC is a community organization established to benefit the Greenville community (including you). Our town’s prosperity and health depends upon your participation. Enhancing the cohesive appearance and function of our public spaces is effective towards making Greenville a better place.